In the News

Research Highlights in the News

A star swallows its Jupiter-sized planet: Follow the latest news here! 



Public Astronomy:

Touching the Cosmic Scale (Sky & Telescope, Feb 2022, PDF)

TIME Magazine, what is an annular eclipse??

Stellar Mergers and Planet Engulfment:

Astronomical transients from stellar mergers (featured in New Scientist, Associated Journal Article)

The signatures of planets absorbed by their host stars (featured in New Scientist, Journal Article)

A star swallows its Jupiter-sized planet: Follow the latest news here!

The Conversation: A star swallows its planetĀ 

Breaking Waves

Breaking waves on a stellar surface,

Nature Astronomy “Behind the Paper” 

Sky and Telescope

Stellar Tidal Disruptions

The Feeding Habits of Supermassive Black Holes (astrobites), Journal Article

The Black Hole and the 50-Course Meal (astrobites), Journal Article 

What Fed Sgr A* Its Latest Meal?

Binary Star Systems

An “Impossible” White Dwarf Discovered in Kepler Data (AAS Nova)

When a Star and a Binary Meet (AASNova)